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Monday, March 10, 2008

..And I believe that you are Ninja too...sort of...

OK, short post tonight. First, YouTube is the most beautiful waste of time in the world, where you find gems such as this great video.

"What kind of wood is this?" I loved that line.

You know, it's funny that I am sitting here laughing at these guys trying to be something they are most assuredly not, which is ninja material, and yet I am prone to spend so much time worrying and pouring my energy into trying to be someone I'm most assuredly not, which would be "righteous man" material.

For some reason, we as Christians seem to forget the simplest facts, like when Paul says in Romans 3 that "there is no one who is righteous". We hear it, we know it, we nod our head in agreement every time someone says it, and then we turn right around and try to "be righteous" of our won accord, and then beat ourselves up about it when we're not. I'm sure God kind of chuckles about that, even when His heart is overflowing with compassion about us.

But you know, maybe we could be a little better than the guys on this video. Maybe you look at this and say, "you know, that's pretty dumb, but I bet I probably could kick higher, or at least keep my balance better. At least I would look like less of a fool if I were doing that."

OK, in the realm of being a "shadow warrior" that might be true. But if I try to apply it to being righteous, that's something completely different. Isaiah reminds us in 64:6 that my best efforts, my most righteous acts, are still like unclean rags that God can't use because they are still tainted with the sin of who I am. In essence, we're ALL stumbling around looking like fools, and whether some of us look slightly less foolish than others really doesn't matter, because no one's fitting the mold here.

And if that is what God was looking for from you and I, we would really be in trouble, because He would just give up and leave because there is NO ONE doing it right.

Truth like that, when you really are honest and look at it, either breaks you or it breaks you. So the real question is who gets to re-build you, the one who can't do this, or the One who CAN?

So Thank God that's not what He's looking for. Thank God that instead He's looking to MAKE me righteous, instead of expecting me to do that on my own. Thank God that instead of having to lay awake at night with the burdening reality of the fact I'm making a fool of my life, I can have peace in knowing He's already made me that which I can not be alone. Which frees me to follow with everything I have, rather than be paralyzed by the enormity of the task of making a sinner like me righteous.

Just remember, you may never have great skills with the nunchucks, (non-wii, of course), but God still thinks you're everything you need to be. You keep following Him, He'll take care of the rest.

Now, off to work on my back flip...