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Thursday, April 10, 2008

I feel like such a Dip...

That was actually my cat talking there. Yep, we found out today that Bella has (now had, we hope) fleas. Not really sure where they came from, but we found them pretty quick, according to the marital partner.

So I ended up going to Wal Mart to grab the collar for the cat and the dog, the carpet stuff to kill all the thousands of eggs that are no doubt sitting like little time bombs in our carpet, and most importantly, the tried and true flea dip. We then proceeded to coat every inch of our water-hating feline with flea slayer. The end result, as you can see, was a ticked off, but flea free cat.

They were congregating around her neck and face, for the most part, so at first I was rather unimpressed by the whole thing, but then when we got to the "mother load" up around her ears and cheeks, it was one of the most incredible things I've ever seen. You put this stuff on some perfectly normal looking hair and skin of this cat, that you've already checked, and all the sudden there is this mass exodus of these little buggers trying to avoid going to mini-parasite heaven. But otherwise, you would never have known they were there, it was this complete covert infestation!

I read more about these guys on the Wiki, and they just sit there, under the surface, even on these very sparsely covered areas like the face and ears, and just chew away, making the host itch, making them irritated and just all around miserable. Eventually, if you don't kill them off, they can give your pet all kinds of diseases, even feline leukemia and things like that that will kill them!

And I said to myself, now that has spiritual significance.

Think about it. You and I have tended to put "sin" into this definition of large, sweeping actions that destroy lives. Murder, Rape, Adultery,Terrorism, things like that. And yet Jesus hits the heart of what sin really is in the Sermon on the Mount. It's not you actually murdering someone that is the sin. No, that is the height of the disease, the killing of the soul. No, the sin is the curses you mutter under your breath, the anger you hold onto instead of humbly seeking to resolve your issues with someone, the bitterness that poisons your relationships. They are the things under the surface chewing at you night and day until finally you have gotten so sick that you finally see the symptoms.

Likewise, it's not the adulterous affair that blows your family up that is the root of the sin. No, it was the me-first attitude that capitalized your thoughts night and day, the roaming up and down whatever eye candy happened to be present at the moment, the unwillingness to accept your spouse as they are and cherish them ahead of yourself, that eventually had you over in someone else's pasture long before you actually hooked up with your secretary or that hunky guy in the self-checkout line. It was the lust chewing at you, gnawing away and bleeding you of your resolve. And it is all happening in your mind and heart way before there is any indication on the surface!

I wonder how many fleas we have hanging off us day after day, sitting under the surface of our souls, just draining us of the ability to live the good life Jesus promised. Fleas of anger, resentment, greed, discontent, lust, dissension, hunger. Some are probably so deep WE don't even know they're there, much less let on to anyone else that we might have them. After all, if people knew we had a "sin infestation", they would quarantine us, right?

This was not a great, meaningful experience for my cat. She hated every second of it, and there were times where even I, in all my manliness, was struggling just to get her to HOLD STILL AND LET ME WORK! Trust me, I have the scratches to prove it.

Likewise, I doubt many of us would say that having God "search out my heart and mind, to find if there is any iniquity in me" would be a fun experience. The sins that gnaw at us are creatures of darkness, and shining the Light that can expose and neutralize them into our lives is often a very uncomfortable experience. After all, it's so much easier when they're just under the surface, and we can pretend they aren't there, right?

Just a reminder, there's no such thing as middle ground with sin. If we think we've reached a compromise or a good "balance" with such a thing, we're still just walking around infested. What we really need is a good Dip in the one thing that can drive them away for good, the Blood of the Crucified One.

Ok, enough preaching for tonight. Time to go take care of my DOG now....

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Stuff I learned this past week...

O K,this is going to be one of those "smorgasboard" blog entries.

Which means there's a bunch of stuff all mashed together in one post.

Most of it will be bulleted statements, some because it's personal, some because details should be kept secret, but mostly because if I did write full descriptions of it all I'd be here till Tuesday.

So, here's what God has been teaching me this week:

  • My first response is not always my best response, and if I'm smart, I'll keep my mouth shut and think for awhile so that I can be Christlike in the way I deal with people (and I actually DID do that this time. It just came again as a good reminder to me. So I guess I'm not a hopeless case with this...)
  • In regards to the previous item, as well as all of life, it's good to have people you can just talk to who love you but will also shoot straight with you because they love you and want to see you grow in Christ (thanks Dad, and others)
  • My daughter brings joy to my life in a way no one else can. Her expressions, love and "3 year old phraseology" could make a statue break out in a grin. Love you, Sweets!
  • Cleaning up vomit is the ultimate expression of parental love for your child. Especially when it's after midnight in a hotel room in Vancouver.
  • In regard to the previous item, my mother (who also, coincidentally, happens to be my daughter's "Nana") really knows how to love.
  • Never leave your leftovers from the Mongolian Grill in the van with your dog. It doesn't matter if you leave her in the cargo area and your food in the very front of the van up on the dashboard to make a 2 minute potty stop with your daughter. The dog WILL turn into a ninja and gank them from you and lick the carryout box clean in that 2 minute span, and even half-retreat to the back of the van by the time you get back.
  • In regard to the above item, do not then proceed to crate your dog for along period of time as punishment, as the Mongolian Grill will do wonders to their digestive system while in the doggie crate, and you will have no one to blame but yourself!
  • I love my daughter beyond reason. And I will NEVER take my wife for granted. Why you ask? well, if for just one example, I have been taking care of my daughter this week while the wife went to Colorado to help out a friend. It has been, and currently is, one of the most challenging and rewarding events of my life as a parent (see above statement about vomit)
  • In regard to the above statement, I have a renewed appreciation for all you single parents and/or Navy wives that play the role of both mommy and daddy. What you do is difficult and often thankless. Let the love you have for your child and the strength God provides be your foundation. I am awed by your dedication.
  • Good friends, a cozy house, stroganoff, and word/picture games are an unlikely, yet unbeatable recipe for contagious laughter, great spiritual discussion, and true joy. Love to all of you in our small group.
  • "The puppet is free to command spiders" may be THE most hilarious statement I've ever heard (Thanks to Sunbeam, and to Sig for this great and descriptive artwork)
  • A single, really good small group experience can light my fire better than a well-crafted sermon any day. (no offense to M. or any other preacher, including me?)
  • Having to create a well-crafted and under-appreciated sermon week after week will be a daunting task for a few weeks, let alone almost 20 years. (Many props to you M. I love you, brother, and God speed your time of healing and recovery. I'll try hard to fill those shoes, even though I won't)
  • Never stop being open to grow in your understanding of events that have shaped you in your past. Your understanding of those events will change as time goes by. You'll go from complete lack of understanding to partial understanding to what you think might be complete understanding to the realization that there's more to this thing that shaped you than you may ever know or understand. Peace is in there somewhere, you just have to be willing to let God show you where it is. (love you mom. love you dad. Always Your Son)
  • Sometimes you have to apologize to someone not just for their benefit, but for yours as well, so you can apologize to your self, too. Sometimes you have to say "I forgive you" for the same reasons.
  • God is not finished with me yet. Not by a long shot. This is both a challenge and a great relief. Show me what you have coming up next, Lord. I'm willing.

May God richly bless you this week!